Version history file for power supply series PSI 8000 T / DT / 2U / 3U Meaning of the symbols: + Feature added - Feature or bug removed * Feature changed Note: only important corrections and additions are listed here v3.01 + Implemented support for internal resistance control (optional, unlockable feature) v3.02 - Correct an error where reading the article number with the dedicated object returned wrong data v3.04 + Implemented support for the IF-A1 card (Purpose: this card is galvanically isolated, compared to the internal analogue interface, which is not) - Removed some object errors using CAN v3.07 - Removed a bug where the function manager would crash when sending objects 91 and/or 92 + Improved saving and loading of user profiles via control panel or interface card + Added default car ignition sequences for ZH models v3.10 * PSI 8000 3U: Menu option "OT disappear" was renamed to "Output on OT" (for models with power stages internally in parallel) to select the behaviour of the output in case an OT error occurs v3.12 - PSI 8000 3U: Removed bug where the menu "Setup operation mode" the 3rd entry could not be set if R mode was enabled v3.13 - Removed bug where setting the default level of the digital pins of the built-in analogue interface from LOW to HIGH or vice versa was not instantly active after submitting the change - Removed bug where models without power adjustment reported a random power set value when queried by object * Default value adjustment is coarse now (was fine before), switching to fine adjustment with rotary knobs - Removed ability to control a device via analogue interface (built-in or IF-A1) when UIR mode is active (too much mode confusion here) - Removed bug where the max. power "Padj max" was not instantly set when switching from UIP to UIR mode (only applies for models with power adjustment v3.14 - Corrected some string positions in menus and return positions of menu entries - Removed bug which caused the reset of some setting even when submitting "Reset configuration?" with "NO" - Added new CAN ID system which uses three CAN IDs per device, in order to be compatible with Vector software (the former and the new CAN ID system can be switched to maintain compatibility to existing PC software even after updating to 3.14 or higher) Important: this part of the update is not available for PSI 8000 3U HS PV!!! v3.21 - IF-A1 interface: removed bug where serial number and article number were swapped in COMMUNICATION menu * IF-G1 interface: extended adjustable address range to 30. Now the device node, i.e. GPIB address, can be set between 1 and 30 (as supposed for GPIB devices) + PV models: Communication object 70 now contains a "PV mode enabled" bit (bit 6 of second status byte), see updated object list - PV models: removed bug where the power (P set) would not be set correctly when switching from PV mode back to normal U/I/P mode v3.23 - Update ability: removed update problem which occurred on some PSI 8000 firmware versions since C3.11 --> from this version on further update will be possible with the Update Tool --> users with the update problem shall please contact the manufacturing company for details about updating their device(s) to C3.23 with different means v3.29 - Removed bug, where "Reset configuration" could not be executed if the device has "Setup Lock" activated (PIN code) v3.33 * Filter: added actual value filtering to avoid erroneous display due to offsets in the measuring curcuits. The filters are as follows: - Actual voltage: if the actual measured voltage is below 0,1% of the rated voltage then the actual value is set to 0 (this threshold was already integrated in earlier firmware version) - Actual current: if the actual measured current is below 0,15% of the rated current then the actual value is set to 0 (this threshold was 0.1% in earlier firmware versions) - While the DC output is switched off, the actual values are always set to 0 v3.34 * Communication: removed a problem where the actual values would sometimes be returned as a mix of the current and the previous value due to communication interrupts