Version history file for power supply series PS 5000 Meaning of the symbols: + Feature added - Feature or bug removed (general bug fixes are not listed to have a better overview) * Feature changed Note: according to the block diagram in the manual, these devices have three microprocessor controlled components which have separate firmwares. There are listed below in separate sections. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Component KE: v2.01 * First KE firmware release for PS 5000 series v2.02 - Fixed some bugs v2.03 - Fixed a bug where the unit would not restore the DC output condition properly after start v2.04 + OT: added setting to determine whether the DC output shall be off after an OT alarm or continue - Removed a bug where the system would hang when the ModBus protocol is disabled, but the device receives a ModBus message ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Component HMI (96230063): v2.01 * First HMI firmware release for PS/PSI 5000 series v2.02 * Improved device starting time, i.e. made it shorter v2.03 * Fixed some minor bugs v2.04 * Fixed some minor bugs v2.05 * Fixed a bug where sometimes the display would show erroneous data when booting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Component DR (96230062): v1.0.15 * First DR firmware release or PS/PSI 5000 series v1.0.16 * Improved the supervision & measurement functions v1.0.17 * Improved the supervision functions and fixed some bugs v1.0.18 * Improved device calibration and supervision functions